OK...so it's been 1 month, and I feel like I'm finally getting the hang of this larnin' thang. It's a matter of dedication, priority, focus, and a burning need for scholarships and awards.
If I was "just" a student, it wouldn't be so challenging. I'd be balancing the books with the beers, the studies with the socializing.
But I'm not "just" a student.
I'm a mom of 3 teenage boys.
I'm the owner of a farm, and haying and crops were a disaster this year. I have little food preserved/stored for our family consumption, no turkeys for sale, and it's a long way off until maple syrup season. My tractor, roto-tiller, and chainsaw all went up in puffs of carbon-rich smoke this summer, so I don't even have my firewood to heat the house. I'll be watching the $ race out of my savings account this winter.
I'm a wife, a role that I keep defining as I go. See...my husband's family believes a wife should be the Harriet of the 50's...docile, domestic, and deferrent. I am none of those things. I've been a career-oriented person for the past 26 years...the primary bread-winner throughout that time...primary parent for my children...politically and socially active. So..there is a bit of tension between what is expected of me, and what I expect from myself. Thank the goddess my husband loves me just the way I am...flaky, brilliant, and prickly...yeah, I said prickly.
So...the juggling act. Here is an average day in my life:
alarm goes off
husband lures me out of bed with an always-just-out-of-reach cup of coffee
shower finished, teeth brushed, hair combed, eyes open
become the lunch nazi - "You MUST have fruit in your lunch! You CAN'T have all the cheese!"
become Sherlock Holmes, tracking down kids' assignments, calculators, socks, cellphones,iPods
water and feed the dog, water and feed the cats, water and feed my belly
start shrieking "The bus is coming, the bus is coming" like a crazed Herve Villechaise
say the kids' litany "Have fun, learn lots, be good, be safe, use a condom, love ya"
drive husband to work, kiss and shove him out the door, search for latest favourite CD
crank a tune to get the heart going, then switch to CBC radio
park in visitor's parking, vow I'm going to get my pass today, curse the $5.75 I pay/day
hit the library, vow to get 3-days ahead in my reading and assignments, break vow
classes over (usually), race for afterschool chores: groceries, diesel, parent-teachers, dentist, etc
get home & feed/water the animals, clean coops and stalls, pull at least 3 weeds, laundry on line
share supper chores, insist that we do have to eat vegetables, actually talk with kids & husband
get dishes started while helping kids with science, math, English, law homework
troubleshoot shared internet connectivity, home network, and media server problems
review kids homework, participate in scheduled conference call with client in Toronto
work on client's portfolio/media solutions - loudly cursing our 28.8 dial-up HELL!!!!!
bully kids through shower, review kids' homework, tell husband I remember he exists
finish clients' work, start on my schoolwork, keep my vow of 3-days ahead
poke husband with pencil until he wakes up from the couch and stumbles into the shower
greet husband in bed with reading glasses on and only 3 textbooks to read....sexy, eh?
I'm juggling as fast as I can. Stressed? A little bit. Thrilled? A lot!
1 comment:
I got a pretty good kick out of your breakdown of your day. It made me realize that I never EVER want to become a Mom.
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